Garuda Aerospace
Garuda Aerospace
Garuda Aerospace
Stanadyne India
Stanadyne India
To provide outcome-based education to address the mechanical engineering challenges with science and technology through integrated approach to research, interdisciplinary collaborations with institutions and industries to foster the needs of the society.
The graduates will
The graduates will
The graduates will
PSO 1: Make components using various manufacturing methods and machines.
PSO 2: Use relevant software and modern tools and techniques to design, manufacture and solve complex mechanical engineering problems.
PSO3: Provide solutions to multi -disciplinary engineering areas by applying the skills and knowledge of the mechanical engineering discipline.
If you wish to gain admission to Providence through the entrance examination conducted by the Commissioner of Entrance Examinations (CEE), you must use this code and select Providence as your first option.
For more information on the entrance examinations and the allotment process, please visit the CEE website at
We wish you all the best for your career!