Parvathy Ramachandran

Head of Library

Newton Hall

The Providence Library


The Providence central library covers two floors of the Newton Hall building situated in the centre of the campus.


The central library hosts a vast collection of books covering topics from engineering, management studies and general reading.


The library consists of 22 computers that allow students and staff to access e-journal databases and NPTEL courses along with normal internet browsing.

Rules & Regulations

The Providence central library follows an open access system and users are expected to follow some basic rules, regulations and guidelines.

  1. A library user shall enter his/her name, branch and in/out time of entry/exit should put a signature in the register kept at the entrance.
  2. Strict discipline must be maintained in the library. Users must ensure the rights of other users of the library.
  3. Use of mobile phones is not allowed. If readers wish to keep them while using the library, they must be kept switched off or in silent mode.
  4. Smoking, eating, sleeping and talking loudly are strictly prohibited in the library.
  5. Members must carry their ID card while using the library. It must be shown on demand of library staff.
  6. Users must deposit their personal belongings at the library property counter. Users are advised not to leave expensive items with the property counter.
  7. Documents taken off the shelves must be left on the table. Replacing the documents on shelves by users is not encouraged as the documents may get misplaced.
  8. Readers should not mark, underline, write, or tear pages or otherwise damage library documents.
  9. Readers are requested to handle all library property carefully to avoid damage to it and also to not disturb other readers/users.
  10. Students can avail three (3) books for a fourteen (14) day loan period and teaching faculty can avail up to five (5) books for a loan period of one semester. They must be returned on or before the last date stamped on the due date-slip.
  11. The borrower should check the physical status of the document before getting it issued. Any discrepancy should be brought to the notice of the librarian before issuing. The borrower will be held responsible for any defect/damage found at the time of return of the document, if not recorded on it earlier, and will be liable to pay the penalty.
  12. Any document issued may be recalled by the librarian before the due date of return without assigning any reason and the borrower has to abide by the decision.
  13. If a book is not returned within the loan period, the issue of documents may be stopped.
  14. Fine will be charged for late returning.
  15. Renewal of the same book is not permitted more than two times.
  16. Reference books, journals/periodicals, magazines/newspapers, digital databases and other documents declared “For Reference” will not be issued.
  17. A borrower is responsible for the safe custody and return of the documents borrowed from the library.
  18. No library material can be taken out of the library without prior permission of the librarian.
  19. The internet facility in the library is to be used for academic purposes only.
  20. Online chatting in the e-library is not allowed. Social networking sites are strictly prohibited. Strict disciplinary action will be taken against defaulters.
  21. Changing the settings and display of the computers kept in the library is not permitted.
  22. Anyone who violates the rules and regulations of the library may be restricted from using the library facilities or other punishments.
  23. Library membership may be suspended/cancelled for any inordinate/unwarranted/illegal behavior of a member.
  24. Suggestions on all aspects of library services are welcome.


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